The prosecutor asked for the declaration as a suspect in the head of the Union of Railways (UF), José Pedraza, for the murder of a militant of the Partido Obrero (PO) Mariano Ferreyra. The official asked the judge summons Wilma López investigation of trade union leader with the conviction that the mob that attacked the outsourced workers of the former line Roca and political groups that accompanied was convened and organized from the top of the guild, but also the prosecution relied on the communications Pedraza held that day, even during the ambush, and especially with his deputy, Juan Carlos "Gallego" Fernández, who primarily monitored distance. The prosecution also requested that Fernandez be investigated, since apparently was in constant contact with the delegate Pablo Díaz-his right hand, arrested and prosecuted for the crime, "which was in Barracks give directives to the bullies.
When processing the seven detainees, Judge Lopez was adamant on one concept: both they and the rest of the strike group participated the attack "called by the Union Railway, which has been decided in advance, agreeing and accepting the purpose and the means employed." That "purpose", as appears from the very basics of the decision, was to prevent the cutting of railroad tracks thought to perform the outsourced rail and political and social organizations that supported the claim for reinstatement and go to ground. The "means" used were "physical violence", "strong effects" and at least three guns, two 38 caliber and 32 caliber, as established so far in the record.
20 October after he met the murder of Marian and the existence of three gunshot wounds, Pedraza admitted publicly that the attackers belonged to his union, but did his best to justify them. "In an attempt to cut the railroad tracks rock, railroad workers defending their jobs," he argued. In turn, denied "any responsibility for the shooting of firearms, which unfortunately resulted in the loss of lives." It is obvious that the union leader was not there in the middle of the fracas, while bullets flew in the direction of outsourcing and leftist political groups. However, he himself by testifying in the case acknowledged that followed everything that happened over the phone. "(El Gallego) Fernández I was reporting what happened," she said. He said he could "give the name of Pablo Diaz, who coordinates the online delegates Rock."
Indeed, the researchers found that Pedraza had several communications with Fernandez that day, even in the most critical moments of the attack on the protesters (who included, in addition to outsourcing, Labor Party members of the Movimiento Teresa Rodríguez, Convergence Left, among others). This was confirmed by Pagina/12 sources with access to the file. These so-called melt, in part, the request made by Caamaño investigation several days ago, but now it was known that there is no gag. It would also record at least one rail direct contact with the delegate leader Diaz, secretary of the Claims Committee of the UF, who the prosecution described by the judge in charge of recruitment and assembly of the gang.
Indeed, it seems that Diaz was in constant communication with Fernandez. He admitted, indeed, to be investigated. Pedraza said it too, and said yesterday the decision of the magistrate, which features a scene narrated by one of the witnesses, who refers to the time immediately after the shooting: "A Pablo Diaz handy rang announcing that he had called (Juan Carlos) the Gallego Fernandez, who said he would leave." At that time, according to the court complaint, the Defense and Justice barrabrava Cristian Favale, former bar guardatren Racing and Gabriel "Clown" Sanchez and Guillermo Uño picaboletos handed the weapon "with a view to their concealment" to Juan Carlos Perez, goalkeeper railway workshops Remedios de Escalada. "Black, Black, gave him" he had said one to Perez, who replied, according to witnesses, "Go out and speak to Paul." Diaz, just as he ordered the withdrawal would have been the one who enabled the use of arms. "Take the irons," I heard Favale address.
As reported in yesterday's edition, Judge Lopez indicted Favale, Sanchez, A, Perez, Diaz, Jorge Gonzalez and Salvador Pipitos for murder in connection with the killing of Mariano, murder is attempted by bullets that wounded Elsa González, Nelson Aguirre and Ariel Pintos, and grave coercion, for threatening the crew of television CN5 to prevent filming, just as they were to produce the shots. You will now have to decide if Pedraza investigates and Fernandez, but has no time for this.
There is one detail in the argument that the judge displayed inferring that it is possible that neither Fernández Pedraza not have a simple legal horizon. Lopez accused the seven detainees as "sponsors" of the crime and attempted murder. He maintained that they acted through a "common understanding", "even well before the fatal outcome," they knew and wanted to "get the" results "achieved and" appropriate means for this "(referring to weapons). What characterizes the "sponsors" he said with quotations legal, its contribution is "indispensable" for everything to happen as it happened. Not even necessary, he continued, to be considered co-author, be "present at the scene, just a function as' command central'...". Moreover, the prosecution of seven detainees, said they are also responsible for having the chance to avoid the outcome and do so. In several sections of the prosecution emphasized that there is still much to investigate and could add defendants.
In the railway sector is talk of an "internal" between Fernandez, who placed aligned with the leader of the CGT, Hugo Moyano, and Pedraza, who are located closer to the Duhalde. A Fernández even see that they associate the cause with the armed and violent groups who describe it as digital revenues Union Emergency Operations Management (UGOFE), which operates online as the former branches Rock. In fact, in the judicial investigation is the evidence that Favale recommended for admission, which did not materialize. The UGOFE-axis of conflict with the outsourced-is being thoroughly investigated (see separate article). Favale is the only one of those arrested so far is not rail. The others belong to the ranks of the UF. Favale, according to the ruling yesterday, would have taken his own people from Florencio Varela break cut way of outsourcing and wanted to do "good point" to get a job. In the dossier has been given by accredited delegates, most of Remedios de Escalada, were those who worked to assemble the gang. Some are still being investigated and may become charged. Justice to verify if, as presumed, workers were given the day off to participate in the attack. Pedraza confessed to the Justice that he was aware of what could happen when he tried to blame the Transportation Secretary Juan Pablo Schiavi, who said he was warned, but did not take appropriate action. UF itself had initiated a campaign ruffled, and outsourced against left-wing groups, which warned: "The railway workers did not cut the tracks."
By Irina Hauser (Page 12)
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