After several years of conflict, the Labour Minister Carlos Tomada, signed yesterday a resolution that officially recognizes the union of subway workers, faced with the conduct of Transport Union (UTA). Now, the "metrodelegados" may be presented formally to fight elections and the representativeness of the sector. "This victory is not only the subway, it's all workers fighting for a union," said Nestor Segovia Pagina/12 representing the line C.
The measure was announced after a failure of the House Labor, dated September, ordering "the simple inscription" of the Association of Workers and Premetro Underground (Agtsyp). Working portfolio also met with a document signed last year, which is committed to advancing "red tape" needed to register the entity.
"The record was important complexities because we had to define whether it was a profession or business activity," explained Tomada, since the headquarters of the ministry said that recognition in accordance with paragraph c) of Article 10 of Law of Trade Unions, will end "the state of ongoing demand," lived in the past in different subway lines, as part of a long confrontation between the workers and the UTA.
- What factors allowed the decision? Wanted to know this newspaper.
-specifically, the belief that we could now unlock this conflict without affecting millions of users, "said Tomada.
In this regard, the official stressed that his ministry "has pursued a delicate balance" between competing sectors and had always "as a privileged actor is not sitting at the table, ie the user, so the decision was the conviction that it would prejudice the operation of services. "
In particular, resolution 1381 of the Ministry of Labor sets the words "in the Register of Trade Unions of Workers of the Association of Workers of the Underground and Premetro (...) a matter of Association of the first degree." Taken chose a tautology to explain the measure. "The union has become a union," he said.
Thus, the applicant organization, whose representatives come mostly from the CTA-get certain rights, even if those organizations with trade union status, the signing of collective agreements and the administration of social welfare, among others. But they could-and should-call elections so as to "regularize institutional" the new union. The text explains that the institution now has ten days to submit their status.
The resolution was reported in the afternoon with the conduct of the UTA led Roberto Fernandez, while at night became aware of the news to the new organization, which did not hide their joy at the conquest. "This crown ten years of struggle, in which we knew going building a representation that was able to maintain over time, said Roberto 'Beto' Pianelli, representing the E line. Now we have to normalize the union. Then go ask the certifying with UTA to see who has the most, and he who will get the collective representation. "
" It'sa great step forward. Now we have to fight for legal recognition, "he said, for its part, the delegate of the line B Claudio Dellecarbonara. "We have 45 days to normalize the union," he concluded, but right now we're celebrating. "
Report: Federico Poore.
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