The replacement of old sleepers and sleepers quebracho cement started in several sections of the C12 branch of the Belgrano Cargas, with which aim to repair a total of 40 kilometers of roads in Chaco soil is underway.

Saens Peña .- The company that runs the site, and installed his main workshop gathering cement ties brought from Buenos Aires in Los Frentones, so it means moving a significant number of machines, all kinds, and logistics staff working from Avia Terai Concepción del Bermejo, and between Los Frentones and Pampa del Infierno.
worth mentioning that the Roggio group has interests in the area of \u200b\u200btransportation by Benito Roggio, which brings together companies in the sector of rail passenger transport (underground and surface) and road transport, freight and transport abroad. Through them, is part of the management of a joint business ventures and that annually move about 500 million passengers and 936,000 tons of cargo nationwide.
El Ramal C12 (Km 1436.500 to 1472.500 km), in the province of Chaco, was awarded to a joint venture formed by Benito Roggio and CPS, with a lead time of 18 months and whose contract is 147 million pesos.
Another section of the branch C12 (1373.001 km to 1411 km) also in the Chaco, was awarded to a joint venture composed of Luis Carlos Zonis and BTU, with a lead time of 18 months, with a total of $ 152,224,000.45
Meanwhile, and in order to repair a total of 40 kilometers of roads in Chaco territory, the adaptation of the Belgrano Moving loads significantly and was now cleaning and preparing the ground in which to install the items brought from Buenos Aires. New
quebracho sleepers will be replaced by cement, by issues of ecological and safety.
With land jobs in certain sectors of the C3 branch attempts to launch the implementation of a program of repair, which in the case of Chaco reaches a length of 40 km that is running as part of a plan that includes the whole system of Belgrano Cargas with an investment of 800 million pesos.
Recovery Program aims to achieve total renovation of the track structure in the main branch of the Belgrano Cargas, applying a conceptual solution that changes the structure of tracks that characterized it since its inception. Both sleepers and rails no longer support its structure directly on the ground, and it adds a layer of stone ballast as a base, incorporating heavier rails and performance in a design compatible with the highest international standards. The aim is to increase significantly the reliability of track structure, reduce maintenance costs and increase load capacity and speed of movement, as explained by the technicians.
How will the works
The Ministry of Federal Planning bid for works by more than 600 million pesos and includes the C12 branch in the province of Chaco between 1,373 to 1,411 miles, through a contract of nearly 17 million pesos, while the other work, which is also the C12 branch, will be between 1,436 to 1,472 kilometers, in this case with a budget of just over 110 million pesos.
same time, it should be noted that there is an agreement between the Belgrano Cargas and the province of Chaco to lower freight costs. This ensures better returns to producers Chaco, as assessed from local cooperative organizations.
comprehensive repair
"The policy to rescue the railroad is a state policy for the president's office and a multi-year design," said last weekend the governor to visit Chaco Jorge Capitanich Sáenz Peña. Understanding "is a clear allocation of resources to be allocated to comprehensive repair sections of the railroad and rolling stock (trains and cars) in order to substantially increase rail transport capacity with a goal of not less than 7 million tonnes transported, "he added.
Expectations for higher returns
productive inside the arc Chaco considered definitive repair of branches of the Belgrano Cargas is an important step in reducing costs, "and encouraged the use of this mode of transport for the production Granaria especially this part of the country.
Juan, leader of the cooperative Sáenz Peña Limited, associated with the Cotton Cooperative Union Limited, said yesterday that "we are slowly seeing that we act with the conviction that the railroad was created in the country for mass transit product, and at times experienced by production, punished for lack of policies, weather and neglect their own needs a way like this, why celebrate the government wants to repair branch. "
worth mentioning that the Transportation Secretary's Office, Juan Pablo Schiavi, Barry signed the contract award for repair of three of Ferrocarril Belgrano Cargas branches, one of which is the section that corresponds to Dead River Avia Terai with an investment of 600 million pesos.
worth mentioning that the Roggio group has interests in the area of \u200b\u200btransportation by Benito Roggio, which brings together companies in the sector of rail passenger transport (underground and surface) and road transport, freight and transport abroad. Through them, is part of the management of a joint business ventures and that annually move about 500 million passengers and 936,000 tons of cargo nationwide.
El Ramal C12 (Km 1436.500 to 1472.500 km), in the province of Chaco, was awarded to a joint venture formed by Benito Roggio and CPS, with a lead time of 18 months and whose contract is 147 million pesos.
Another section of the branch C12 (1373.001 km to 1411 km) also in the Chaco, was awarded to a joint venture composed of Luis Carlos Zonis and BTU, with a lead time of 18 months, with a total of $ 152,224,000.45
Meanwhile, and in order to repair a total of 40 kilometers of roads in Chaco territory, the adaptation of the Belgrano Moving loads significantly and was now cleaning and preparing the ground in which to install the items brought from Buenos Aires. New
quebracho sleepers will be replaced by cement, by issues of ecological and safety.
With land jobs in certain sectors of the C3 branch attempts to launch the implementation of a program of repair, which in the case of Chaco reaches a length of 40 km that is running as part of a plan that includes the whole system of Belgrano Cargas with an investment of 800 million pesos.
Recovery Program aims to achieve total renovation of the track structure in the main branch of the Belgrano Cargas, applying a conceptual solution that changes the structure of tracks that characterized it since its inception. Both sleepers and rails no longer support its structure directly on the ground, and it adds a layer of stone ballast as a base, incorporating heavier rails and performance in a design compatible with the highest international standards. The aim is to increase significantly the reliability of track structure, reduce maintenance costs and increase load capacity and speed of movement, as explained by the technicians.
How will the works
The Ministry of Federal Planning bid for works by more than 600 million pesos and includes the C12 branch in the province of Chaco between 1,373 to 1,411 miles, through a contract of nearly 17 million pesos, while the other work, which is also the C12 branch, will be between 1,436 to 1,472 kilometers, in this case with a budget of just over 110 million pesos.
same time, it should be noted that there is an agreement between the Belgrano Cargas and the province of Chaco to lower freight costs. This ensures better returns to producers Chaco, as assessed from local cooperative organizations.
comprehensive repair
"The policy to rescue the railroad is a state policy for the president's office and a multi-year design," said last weekend the governor to visit Chaco Jorge Capitanich Sáenz Peña. Understanding "is a clear allocation of resources to be allocated to comprehensive repair sections of the railroad and rolling stock (trains and cars) in order to substantially increase rail transport capacity with a goal of not less than 7 million tonnes transported, "he added.
Expectations for higher returns
productive inside the arc Chaco considered definitive repair of branches of the Belgrano Cargas is an important step in reducing costs, "and encouraged the use of this mode of transport for the production Granaria especially this part of the country.
Juan, leader of the cooperative Sáenz Peña Limited, associated with the Cotton Cooperative Union Limited, said yesterday that "we are slowly seeing that we act with the conviction that the railroad was created in the country for mass transit product, and at times experienced by production, punished for lack of policies, weather and neglect their own needs a way like this, why celebrate the government wants to repair branch. "
worth mentioning that the Transportation Secretary's Office, Juan Pablo Schiavi, Barry signed the contract award for repair of three of Ferrocarril Belgrano Cargas branches, one of which is the section that corresponds to Dead River Avia Terai with an investment of 600 million pesos.
(Diario NORTE - 30/09/2010)
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