Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Berlin Brigade Camouflage

protgonistas These have been our little tour of Monfragüe. From the first day, both the former and we were just entering the park. El Salto del Gitano, impressive as always, gave us a lot of vultures flying low (too bad the photo more impressive come out move). And in the path of the viewpoints to Tiétar hatch, the deer appeared to us again and again, we look where we look. Anyway, quite a spectacle.

PD: The fotillos of deer I have not done it, but you took my child with my camera while I was driving. She is a piece of photographer (I'll put some fotillo made in Monfragüe). The pictures of the deer are taken from the car, the digital zoom (at least the second, although the first I think that is also made with digital) and through my dirty side window (not downloadable)


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