Thursday, May 28, 2009

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The water flow in plant serves as the transport of nutrients and other substances and is done in a peculiar way different from animals.

The water circulates through plants from root to the vessel leaves lenosos.Es absorbed by the root, at the level of root hairs doing so the plants are nourished and physiological degradation more delay in time while without one.

Process by which water moves.

The water moves within the plant following the water potential differences. The water potential consists of several components:

  • Water Potential = Potential + Potential osmotic pressure + matrix + Potential Gravitational potential
  • osmotic potential: is related to the osmolarity of the aqueous solution. Osmolytes depends dissolved in water.
  • Potential Pressure: is related to pressure from plant cell walls from the cell. Is maximum when it reaches the maximum and minimum turgidity when it reaches the value of incipient plasmolysis.
  • Matrix potential, is related to the absorption by capillarity water.
  • gravitational potential: the one related with the force of gravity .

Thus the water travels from areas with higher water potential to areas with lower potential. A plant in an optimal soil (water potential close to 0 kPa) water absorbed by the roots, traveling from the xylem to the leaves where it would evaporate and pass into the atmosphere, which has a really low water potential (from tens of kPa negative). The process described is called transpiration. Thus most of the water absorbed by plants is evaporated in the leaves. These forces of evaporation from the lives of all create a negative voltage is one that "pulls" the water into the upper branches and that the process of capillary action is not enough to carry water several feet high. Finally there is another force that raises the water in the xylem of the plant, is a positive pressure exerted by the root that absorbs water actively (by the absorption of osmolytes).

water potential

Main article:

The liquid water is a fluid whose molecules are in constant motion. The ability of water molecules to move in a particular system depends on its free energy. The scale most commonly used to express and measure the state of free energy of water is the water potential Ψ. Water potential can be expressed in units of energy per unit mass or volume, the unit most commonly used the MPa (MPa = 10 bars), although in the recent past have also used the atmosphere and the bar (1 bar = 0.987 atm .) . Water movement in soil and plants occurs spontaneously along gradients of free energy from regions where water is abundant, and therefore has high energy freedom per unit volume (higher Ψ), to areas where the free energy of water is low (less Ψ). Pure water has a high free energy because the molecules can move freely. This is the reference state of water potential, to a mass of pure water, free, without interactions with other bodies, and normal pressure, corresponds to a Ψ 0. The Ψ is primarily determined by the osmotic effect associated with the presence of solutes by matric forces which adsorb or retain water in solid or colloidal arrays on the effect of altitude and positive or negative pressures or tensions in vessels or ducts where found. . These factors have an additive effect, which typically reduces the potential soil or ground water on the potential of pure water. Thus, in a particular system, the water potential is the sum total of four components:

Ψm Ψh = Ψo + + + Ψp Ψg

where Ψ mean potential, and the subscripts h, o, m , gyp, meaning water, osmotic, matric, gravitational, and pressure, respectively. The Ψo represents the component determined by the presence of dissolved solutes, decreases the free energy of water and can be zero or take on negative values. As solute concentration (ie, the number of solute particles per unit volume of solution) increases, the Ψo becomes more negative. Without the presence of other factors that alter the water potential, water molecules move solutions from places with low solute concentration to areas with higher concentrations of solute. The Ψo is treated as 0 for pure water. The Ψm represents the degree of water retention due to interactions with solids or colloidal arrays. Such matrices constitute the soil colloidal material and the cell walls. You can have zero or negative values. Finally the influence is Ψg gravitational field and is usually positive, although this depends on the position for the reference state. Ψp represents the hydrostatic pressure and can assume positive or negative values \u200b\u200bas the water is under pressure or tension. For example, Ψp pressure potential in the cells is positive and represents the pressure exerted by the protoplast against the cell wall, while the xylem is negative due to the tension developed by differences in water potential caused sweating. In the soil-plant-atmosphere water potential can be measured at various points in the path of movement of water from the soil through the plant to the atmosphere. Along the route, vary the contributions of the different components in determining the water potential.

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plants Excretion in plants and animals

EXCRETION IN PLANTS: In plants there is no proper excretion and to not have specialized structures to perform this function. The amount of waste substances is very low. Some of these products are reused in anabolic processes: WATER and CARBON DIOXIDE can be used for photosynthesis. The waste produced is not always just go abroad. Can accumulate in vacuoles and intercellular spaces.
waste substances can be gaseous, solid or liquid:
- SOLID: may be crystals of calcium oxalate.
- LIQUID: essential oils (peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus), resins, latex (rubber), etc..
- SODAS: carbon dioxide and ethylene gas (mature fruit).
Water and carbon dioxide, breathing
products are used in photosynthesis, the plants can use nitrogen wastes in the synthesis of new proteins, which reduces their need for excretion. The plants have no excretory organs specialized products eliminate them breathing through stomata, root hairs and lenticels and other wastes are stored in the body of the plant.
EXCRETION IN FUNGI: The waste is typically incorporated into the composition of the wall, keeping them out of the environment where it matters physiologically active toxicity.

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Types of circulatory systems

There are two types of circulatory systems:

closed circulatory system: It consists of a series of blood vessels which, without leaving them, travels blood. The material carried by the blood reaches the tissues through diffusion. It is characteristic of annelids , molluscs and cephalopods vertebrates.

open circulatory system: The blood pumped by the heart travels through blood vessels, which supplies blood directly to cells and then returned by different mechanisms. This type of system is presented in arthropods and molluscs cephalopods not .

blood circulation was discovered by the physician William Harvey .

fish Circulation

Full Circulation: Appears in fish. In the blood circulation only happens once through the heart at every turn. The heart is tubular and shows a venous sinus that collects the blood, an atrium and a ventricle impeller. The blood comes from the veins of the body charged with CO 2 to the heart. The ventricle pumps blood to the gills to get oxygen flowing through arteries and distributed throughout the body. The return of blood to the heart through veins is performed.

The brachial artery, carrying blood to the gills for oxygenation. Therefore, the circulation in these animals is closed, simple and complete, ie there is only one circuit and no mixing of blood.

amphibians Circulation

In the first vertebrate lungs (Amphibians and Reptiles no crocodiles) is the heart and thoracic position appears twice circulation, as there is a lower circuit or pulmonary vein that carries blood to the lungs and bring back arterial blood to the heart from those, and the circuit greater or general, blood that carries blood to the body and brings back the venous blood to the heart.

In these animals the heart has three cavities : two atria (right and left) and a single ventricle, rather muscular. The right atrium receives venous blood from the body, and sends it to the ventricle to the pump to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. The left atrium receives arterial blood from the lungs, and it sends the ventricle pumps blood to the body through the aorta. Between the two arteries there is a small tube called throw it through. The atria contract in succession, so that the mixture of blood in the ventricle is scarce. However, the double movement will be incomplete.

reptiles Circulation

Reptiles In crocodilians and there is a complete division of the ventricle in two compartments (right and left). Therefore, it is the heart and has two staffs tetraventricular Aortic left leaving the right ventricle and carries venous blood, and the right leaving the left ventricle and carries blood pressure. There is a very small mixing of blood in the descending aorta. Therefore, it is considered that the movement is incomplete.

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Circulation Excretory system (animals)

excretion is the outward expulsion of waste products, which are CO 2 the H 2 O and NH 3 , ammonia, or any its derivatives, such as urea and uric acid.

these byproducts of cellular respiration. CO 2 and H 2 Or will the circulatory, respiratory, and then finally to the outside. Nitrogen compounds, however, are toxic and are therefore eliminated from the circulatory system by filtering the blood and are expelled to the outside. This is done by the excretory apparatus. Aquatic animals excrete in the form of NH nitrógano 3 through the gills, but the land animals, not predetermined fluid, excreted in a highly concentrated solution, urine, and in the form of urea or uric acid, which are not as poisonous.

The excretory apparatus always consist of an area where products are filtered excretion and a long tube where these products are concentrated, due to the readsorption of water they are dissolved. The nephridia of annelids, the glands in the antennae of crustaceans, myriapods coxal glands, Malpighian tubes of insects and vertebrates the kidneys are some of the various types of excretory apparatus with the various types of metazoans.

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Objectives COLONICA

1.Fotalecer knowledge with relation to the systems of organs in animals and plants-
2. Arguing on the various characteristics that have the system
3. Knowing the different diseases that may occur by the alteration of system
4. Pose hypothesis to solve possible problems that might occur in the systems.
5. stimulate research 'to enrich the knowledge of the subject matter

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STUDENT PROFILE Mission and vision


manifestations are different dimensions of being strengthened to Throughout his training process that identifies a student and enriched in their life project.


1. Independent, can be critical to making decisions.

2. Solidario, able to share with others and to serve the educational community.

3. Honestly, can always opt for the truth, act with competence and fairness.

4. tolerant and peaceful , able to resolve conflicts through civilized dialogue and active non-violence, respect and accept views and opinions of the other

5. Creative able to integrate design knowledge and skills in original and innovative responses to the demands and needs of a changing society

6. Responsible able to assume and fulfill its commitments as a person, child (a), student, believer, etc.., Aware that their actions promote or limit social development

7. Amoroso, able to promote relations interpersonal based on mutual respect and empathy

8. Ecological with a deep sense of conservation and respect for nature, committed to improving their environment (family, social, school)

9. Investigative, spirit of academic excellence, to pursue the construction of new knowledge that promote scientific and technological development social and

10. Believer, convinced that God is the source and foundation of human fulfillment, integrated into their daily lives the values \u200b\u200bof faith, justice, reconciliation, hope and charity

11. Leader capable of transforming the social, political and economic development based on equity.

12. Civic able to express their sense of belonging through respect and love for his family, institution, region and country, and altruistic assume the condition of being Colombian.

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We will be the educational institution in the Caribbean Region, Leader in Training Comprehensive People capable of gestating scientific, technological, social and economic conducive to greater productivity in society ensuring better quality of life.


We are an educational institution that is people with human qualities and critical thinking can solve situations and adapt to different changes, that scientific knowledge and technological plan their life through a comprehensive education with an emphasis on science for children and youth living in the Atlantic department is projected to a national and international spheres.

Christopher Columbus Ship Labelled


1. Vision and Mission Student 2.Perfil

colonists 3.Objetivos
animal organ 4.Sistema
5. 6.Circulacion
animal excretion in animals
7.Excreción 8.Circulación
plants plants

Friday, May 15, 2009

Will They Make A Mario Football

A little more than cartoon! Pag

Hello again, I hang two doodles before I close the stop, and vague.
now I'm pretty busy and it's hard to have time for everything, so even if not finished as I leave here like I've been testing this estilillo. My intention is to ink and color, but we'll see ... That if, soon will hang a color page of the short story I'm doing. Come a greeting!